It is a replacement of the original Console panel with powerful functionalities such as tagging and filtering. Made for programmers who want superior control on log viewing.This package is uploaded with Unity 2018 and has been tested up to Unity 2021.OML Console Pro is the best log viewer you could get on Unity with uniques features you could not find from other console addons since 2017. The main idea of OML is build around tagging and filtering. Log messages can be tagged automatically or manually so that quick filtering can be applied to help you find logs you want to read.New features and improvements are being added from time to time. The sooner you try, the more time you save.OML websiteMain Features:Finder that support search mode and filtering mode and will highlight related text it found.Multiple log searching and filtering methods can be applied at the same time to locate your logs.Tag filtering separate logs by logical units.Custom Tag Groups (Category) allow quick switching between focus.Foldable Log Sessions group logs by time or game state.Channel filtering distinguish instances. e.g. from different devices or systems.Log text font style and color pattern highlight make the log message easier to read.Can open up to 5 consoles! Each with different filtering condition. e.g. You can read networking events on one console while read battle events from another console.Log Style Customization - change text color, background color, font size/style, etc to certain logs based on pattern matching.Source Code Peeking - peek the soruce code of a log without switching ot the code editor with just a key press.Multi-Log Selection - select multilpe logs with Ctrl or Shift key for copying to clipboard.Freeze Detection and auto export logs. When Unity hang, you still have logs to read!Data Watcher - If you are lazy to write Inspector, just log the data with special format. It show you the newest value in a nice looking panel.Visual Tweaks - Smooth scrolling and log appearing with color effect.Customize log Collapse Rule for each log type.Export logs to text or html format.Intuitive Design help access every feature effortlessly..Optimized to handle high throughput without causing lag.