This modular kit is what you have been looking for to construct all the Medieval Fantasy Village & Town Interiors for your new game.Need Exteriors?Then get the Village Exteriors KitDo you want the Village Interiors Kit and VIllage Exteriors Kits?Then get the Medieval Village Kit Bundle and save 33%Do you want all the Premium BLUEPRINTS at a -50% discount?Then buy the Premium BLUEPRINTS Bundle which includes 11 Packages.5 STAR-rated Premium BLUEPRINTS available:Medieval Adventure 1 | Farmlands 1 | Farmlands 2Medieval Villages 1 | Medieval Villages 2 | Fishing Villages | Tower HouseGraveyards Cemeteries Shrines | City Walls | Medieval MarketsOutpost & Trade StationsThunder Hammer Forge (free) | Sword & Shield Inn (free)Frontier Settlement (free)Shader Usage:The package comes with Built-In Standard Unity Shader.This enables any user to use the Unity Conversion tools to successfully convert to URP or HRDP as many have done.Note:Many Users have successfully converted to URP & HDRP using the built-in Unity conversion tools. Visit the 3DForge Discord if you need guidance.Package contains 2488 meshes & 2826 Prefabs with all of them light map ready and Particle Effect PrefabsThe package was developed for Top Down, FPS as well as 3rd person style games, both Desktop and Mobile.Build your ownVillager Houses - Magic Shop - General StoreCathedrals - Temples - Shrines - CastlesTombs - Crypts - CatacombsFishMonger - Warehouses - BasementsChurches - Shrines - Thief's HideoutJails - Inns & Taverns - Libraries - City HallCrafting Hall - Auction House - Guild HallsBlacksmith's Forge - Barracksor use any of the 24 included ready-to-use Demo Scenes.All screenshots taken from the 24 completed, ready to use, included demo scenes:- Sleepy Raven Inn - Old Eagle Tavern- Dragon Keep - Shrines 1, 2 & 3- The Crypt Top Down & FPS- Green Dragon Inn - St Alessandro- Blacksmith's Forge - Old Basement- Old Church - Huntsman Lodge- Old Warehouse - Wild Boar Inn- Town Library - Food Store- Village Jail - Multi-level House & basement- Magic Shop - Fish MongerMain wall & floor parts:- 15 Different wall texture sets- Stone- Wooden Planks- Logs- Plaster- Stone base with plaster top- Stone base with wooden planks on top- Stone base with logs top- Stone with vertical wooden joins- Plaster with vertical wooden joins- Wooden planks with vertical wooden joins- Logs with vertical wooden joins- Wooden planks base with plaster top- Wooden planks base with stone topYou will be able to build a large variety of interiors with no two looking the same.With 4 tile-able wood and 5 stone floor textures the possibilities just keep on growing.To populate all these interiors, the set comes loaded with all the props that you would need as well as 14 ready to use drag & drop particlesBase props included are:- Barrels (2 designs, big & small)(empty, closed & open with 4 food types each)- Baskets (2 designs with two sizes each)(closed & open with 4 food types each)- Crates (2 designs, big & small)(empty, closed and open with 4 food types each)- Pots (4 styles & 4 sizes)(empty & 4 food types each)- Cloth Sacks (single & clusters)(closed & open with 4 food types each)- Shop counters (modular in 4 texture sets)- Fireplaces (10) with fire particle effects- Food (12 types with extra varieties for each)Furniture props included are:- Benches (3)- Pews- Bookshelves (5 lone standing 10 wall mounted)- Chairs (8)- Cupboards (5)- Dressing tables (3)- Stools (3)- Tables (17)- Mounted animal horn trophies (10)- Wine racks (empty and populated)- Beds (5 styles x 5 designs each = 25)Library props included are:- Inkpot & quill (5)- Envelopes (3)- Closed books (6 styles x 3 designs each)- Open books (8)- Bookstands (8 empty & 8 pre-populated)- Pre-populated bookshelves(lone standing and wall mounted)- Book stands empty (8) and populated(8)- Maps (5) and documents (2)- Scrolls open (20) & closed (20)Lighting props included are: (lights added)- Candles - single (12 lit & 12 unlit)- Candles - clusters (4 lit and 4 unlit)- Chandeliers (12)- Lamps (4 designs x 3 styles each = 12)- Beaker-mounted candles lit and unlit- Wall-mounted candles (13)- Metal torches (2)Woven props included are:- Different spiderwebs (7) (big to small)- Different carpets (35)- Hanging wall drapes(3)Blacksmith's Forge:1st User requested update- 106 new meshes- 112 new prefabs- 1 x 1024 atlas textures- Anvils (2)- Forges (4)- Dipping vats (2)- Workbenches (4)- Burning coals- Tool racks (2)- Raw blades (4)- Broadswords (5)- Knifes (4)- Long swords (8)- Short swords (3)- Weapon racks (5)empty (5)populated (5)- Selection of hanging chains (11)- Chair- Smith's stools (2)- Hammers (4)- Metal scraps (10)- Tongs (4)- Toolboxes (2)- Small and big sharpening stones (4 & 4)Cathedral:3rd User requested update- 571 New meshes- 652 New prefabs- 50 New particle prefabs- St Alessandro demo scene- 1-2-3 easy to use step by step build example demo scene- .png Cathedral window template for custom stained glass designBreakdown:- Alcoves x 40- Balconies x 17- Braziers x 10- Wall decor x 34- Pedestals x 12- Vaulted roofs 96- small 2,5m x 2,5m x 48- large 5m x 5m x 48- Walkways x 14- 1 New Floor textures- Floors with steps x 12- Pillars x 127- Lighting x 61- Large candles x 32- Floor-standing chandeliers x 13- Table-standing chandeliers x 8- Hanging x 4- Wall mounted x 4- Stone staircases x 31- NEW wall texture set x 13- Cathedral separated window frames and glass- Window frames x 35- Stained glass x 50- 3 prebuilt window sets- Griffin- Knight- Leaf- Hanging tapestries x 31- Carpets x4- God-rays (drag&drop) x 11- Realistic candle flame particles- Realistic torch flame particlesDragon Keep:4th User requested updateUsers asked for a AAA TopDown scene to show assets being used for this game style- Dragon Keep Top Down ready to use demo scene- 3 Quick Start Shrine templates- Baked lighting made easy with Unity FREECatacombs:The Crypt - 5th update- 328 New meshes- 416 New prefabs- 41 New particle prefabs- The Crypt FPS & Top Down demo scenesBreakdown:- NEW Walls x 128- Barrel Vaulted roofs X 28- Broken Walls x 8- Bones x 26- Cages x 14- Black Candles x 8- Red Candles x 8- Yellow Candles x 8- Coffins x 9- Sarcophagus x 21- Roots x 12- Urns x 18- Catacombs Steps x 12- Catacombs Doors x 5- Catacombs Floors X 61- New particles x 41* Fireflies x 10* Fields x 5* Fog x 20* Gas x 6* Mists x 5Stone Keep:6th User Requested Update- 289 New meshes- 393 New prefabs- Stone Keep FPS & Top Down demo scene sBreakdown:- Walls/Ceilings Upgrade- Tri walls to required wall sets x 10- Extra vaulted roof prefabs x 2- Extra pillars x 4- Secret Ways Upgrade- Trapdoors for Floors- Secret doors for 5 wall sets- Levers x 2 and switches x 2- Ladders x 23- Hanging ropes x 8- Kitchen Upgrade- Cooking stations x 18- Cutlery items x 43- Pots x 11- Library Upgrade- Book piles x 34- Double height Bookshelves x 10- Scroll clusters x 5- Forge Upgrade- Shields x 19Taverns & Inns:7th User Requested Update- 36 New meshes- 36 New prefabs- Selection of curtain meshes & prefabs - Old Eagle Tavern FPS & Sleepy Raven Inn Top Down demo scenesHD Update:- ALL textures double resolution- Exteriors Kit Compatibility parts- 201 New meshes- 201 New prefabs- 1/2 & 1/4 floor tiles- Stone & wooden Wall capsThe first of several smaller packages has already been launched that are all already included and part of this package and was introduced as FREE UPDATES to package owners.This was done because some users asked for smaller parts at a reduced price.Web | Facebook | Twitter | Discord | Forum
LARGE HDスクリーンショット
このFULL Village Interiors Kitパッケージを購入することをお勧めします。これは、FULL Interiorsコレクションがあり、実質的に50%以上節約できるためです。
中世の冒険1 |農地1 |前哨基地と貿易基地
中世の村1 |中世の村2 |漁村
Fish Monger-倉庫-地下室
*** 新着 !!!ヴィレッジエクステリアキット。すべてのエクステリアビルディングのニーズに対応します。
- 結石
- 木製の板
-ベッド(5つのスタイルx 5つのデザイン= 25)
-ランプ(4つのデザインxそれぞれ3つのスタイル= 12)
Blacksmith's Forge:最初のユーザーが更新をリクエストしました
-1 x 1024アトラステクスチャ
-アルコーブx 40
-バルコニーx 17
-火鉢x 10
-壁の装飾x 34
-台座x 12
-小型2.5m x 2.5m x 48
-大5m x 5m x 48
-通路x 14
-ステップx 12の床
-柱x 127
-照明x 61
-大きなキャンドルx 32
-床置きシャンデリアx 13
-テーブル立ちシャンデリアx 8
-ハンギングx 4
-壁掛け式x 4
-石の階段x 31
-新しい壁のテクスチャセットx 13
-神光線(ドラッグ&ドロップ)x 11
Dragon Keep:4番目のユーザーが更新をリクエスト
ユーザーは、このゲームスタイルで使用されているアセットを表示するためにAAA TopDownシーンを要求しました
-ベイクドライティングはUnity FREEで簡単に
-新しい壁x 128
-バレルアーチ型屋根X 28
-壊れた壁x 8
-骨x 26
-ケージx 14
-黒いキャンドルx 8
-赤いキャンドルx 8
-黄色のキャンドルx 8
-棺x 9
-石棺x 21
-ルーツx 12
-カタコンベステップx 12
-カタコンベドアx 5
-カタコンベの床X 61
-新しい粒子x 41
*ホタルx 10
*フィールドx 5
*霧x 20
*ガスx 6
*ミストx 5
Stone Keep:6番目のユーザーが更新をリクエスト
-Stone Keep FPS&トップダウンデモシーン
-追加のアーチ型屋根のプレハブx 2
-追加の支柱x 4
-レバーx 2およびスイッチx 2
-はしごx 23
-カトラリーアイテムx 43
-ポットx 11
-本の山x 34
-ダブルハイトの本棚x 10
-スクロールクラスターx 5
-シールドx 19
-カーテンメッシュとプレハブの選択-Old Eagle Tavern FPSとSleepy Raven Innのトップダウンデモシーン
Unity 5およびHDアップデート
-Unity 5は
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※ 上記アセット説明(日本語翻訳)は2020年4月28日時点の内容です。