Overseer Notifications is a swiss army knife for GUI notifications. It is a value asset which you can find useful in every project. Use it for displaying achievements, high scores, rewards, system info messages, errors, log messages, private messages, shoutbox messages, push notifications. Customize it with your own GUISkin, icons, sounds, transitions. Handles queue delivery, layouting and scaling to device of any size and resolution.
* Transitions: 4 moves + Fade
* Rich Text
* 9 Anchor spots
* Message queues
* 5 Delivery Strategies
* Sounds
* Hook onClick and onClose.
* Run-time editor editing.
* Message type templates
* Adjust color and alpha for different message types.
* Scales to screens of all sizes.
* Smooth Animations.
* Reacts to orientation changes.
* Layouting.
* Message queueing.