DestroyIt saves you time by providing a proven, feature-rich damage and destruction system for objects. You simply add the Destructible script to a gameobject, and from there it can be damaged, destroyed, or even repaired.
If you want to add destruction to your game but don't know where to start, DestroyIt is a ready-to-use solution with many customization options that handles the heavy lifting, letting you focus on the rest of your project.
Included are over 30+ demo scenarios which begin with the simplest particle-effect-based destruction and take you all the way to replacing destroyed objects with a pre-fractured prefabs (that you create) which have structural support, visible progressive damage, clinging debris, hit effects, triggered effects at specific damage levels, and much more. You can combine and layer these effects to get impressive results.
• Visible progressive damage for Built-in pipeline, and for URP and HDRP pipelines with included custom shaders
• Destruction into particle effects
• Replace destroyed objects with pre-fractured mesh prefabs
• Materials are transferred to particle effects and destroyed prefabs
• Destructible terrain trees
• The ability to damage objects can be enabled/disabled globally at any time (useful for cutscenes or scene transitions)
• Customizable hit effects (i.e., use different hit effects for bullets, melee weapons, etc)
• Debris that clings to support structures (i.e., broken glass pieces that cling to a window frame)
• Limit both the minimum and maximum amount of damage an object can take
• Debris pieces that can also be destroyed (unlimited levels of destruction)
• Rigidbody physics collisions do damage to objects
• Objects take damage from collisions with terrain
• Examples of damage from hitscan bullets, rigidbody projectiles, explosives, collisions, and direct damage by code
• Effects that can be triggered at different damage levels (i.e., an engine that starts smoking at 50% damage, and flaming at 75% damage)
• Damaged objects can be repaired
• Limit the amount of particle effects and debris in the scene for performance
• Limit the complexity of destruction based on camera distance
• Built-in object pooling for high performance
• Destroy a large number of objects at once
• Destroyed pieces can be re-parented to objects (i.e., a broken sword handle can be reparented to a rigged hand bone)
• Works with static object meshes
• Works with or without rigidbodies
• Add structural support to destroyed prefabs with a single button click
• Play sounds when objects are damaged, destroyed, or repaired
• Works on skinned mesh renderers and Unity cloth physics
• Works with objects dynamically-created at runtime
• Includes examples of how to use with PlayMaker
• Can be integrated with many popular Unity assets
Everything you see in the video and screenshots is provided, as well as fully-documented C# source code and in-depth user guides to get you started. There are also many how-to videos on the ModelShark YouTube channel to help you with more advanced topics like integrating DestroyIt with other popular Unity assets. And if you get stuck, check out the DestroyIt forum or send us an email and we will try to help.
• DestroyIt User Guide
• Destructible Terrain Trees Guide
• Forum
• Email (modelsharkstudio@gmail.com)