New - City asset - released from Japanese Major Map Information Company - ZENRIN- .
We developed the famous Japanese - Otaku City AKIHABARA - as our first asset city !
WebPlayer Demo
Video Document (en)
Video Document (jp)
Official Web Site
Copyrighted and produced by ZENRIN.
ZENRIN is a major map information company that holds the top share in the Japanese market for local residential maps as well as maps for car navigation and digitized maps.
Japanese Otaku City Includes:
- Real 3D Maps with beautiful textures.
(3D model is based on actual maps and architecture data.)
- Very easy to use.
(includes sample scene file.)
- Many Weather Effects (Rain, Wind, Shadow [for Unity pro], Lights).
- Fly through Function. (Query-Chan(*) navigates the city by flying.)
- NavMesh AI Car Function.
- Including Cars and Character Objects.
Japanese Otaku City by ZENRIN is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License(CC-BY).
(*)About Query-Chan
1. Query-Chan Asset data is provided by the developer - Pocket Queries, Inc.-.
2. Query-Chan model is Unity Asset data, provided via below url.