You can find a variety pack of trees, bushes, stones, grounds, ect... inside the package. (Mobile friendly, images are under 1024x1024)
I will update the package soon, so You can send me your wishlist to the 1.1 Update.
1.0 version now:
- Six demo scene
- Six ground
- Elven bushes
- Twenty-seven trees with leaves (19 green, four red, three very old)
- Ten pine trees
- Seven trees without leaves
- Two stones
- Two mushroom
- Four effects (Falling leaves for trees and bushes, firefly lighting flying bugs, flying mushroom spores)
- One camera movement script (this is for the demo scenes, after you can use your script or the default 2D unity script asset)
You can send me your wishlist to the 1.1 Update.
Inside the pack you can find the readme.txt with some simple tips
You can ask me about the pack on E-mail and DeviantArt:
DeviantArt: Here