BonaFide Prefab Painter is editor extension for instantiating large amounts prefabs in a scene quickly, precisely and easily.
Key features:
- Quick changing of what prefab to paint from a prefab palette.
- Customizable prefab palette.
- Several prefabs can be selected and painted at the same time.
- Different brushes for different circumstances.
- Randomization of rotation, scaling and location for less uniform placement.
- Simple setup of prefabs to the prefab palette.
- Prefab variation.
- Orient placed prefabs perpendicular to the surface they're placed on.
- Shortcuts to easier workflow.
- Collision detection to avoid overlap.
- New features are added continuously based on requests from users.
After an initial setup prefabs are made available in the world editor window allowing for the placement of lots of game objects in the scene quickly and precisely by painting them using the mouse.
Support randomization from a set of prefabs and random scaling/rotation to quickly create more diverse and interesting scenes. Forests can be painted without looking artificial.
Inspired by old RTS game map editors like those shipped by older Blizzard titles.
Full source included in the package. If something is not to your liking you are free to change it.