This lovingly hand painted kit has everything you need to decorate your cemetery, graveyard or spooky halloween scene. With over 160 prefabs, you’ll be haunting your own game in no time!
-Charming hand painted textures
-3 Unique color schemes for each asset
-6 Spooky particle effects
-Terrain Textures and Grasses
-Over 160 low poly game ready prefabs
-3 Mecanim compatible skeletons
-Mobile optimised meshes and atlases
-Supports both unlit and lightmapped
Package Includes:
-Gravestones and Obelisks x50 (damaged and undamaged)
-Modular Cemetery Fences x20 (damaged and undamaged)
-Cemetery Gates x3 (damaged and undamaged)
-Gate Animations (Idles open & closed / Open / Close)
-Trees x13 (Leafed, Barren, Branched, Spooky)
-10 Skeleton decorations (piles of bones, laying skeleton, etc...)
-3 Mecanim Ready Skeletons with animations.
(Spawn, Spawn Fast, Run, Sprint, Jump, Fall, Double Jump, Death, Idle, Throw)
-Candles and dripping wax x 12
-Wall Torch
-Jack o'lanterns x3 with 9 variants
-Pumpkins x3 with 9 variants
-Lamps x3
-Candelabras x3
-Tiling Terrain Textures x8
-Particle Effects x6 (Ground Fog, Floating Wisps, Flying Bats, Torch Flame, Candle Flame, Lamp Glow, Lamp Moths)
-Atlased Mobile Diffuse + Transparent Diffuse Materials
-Example Scene
Note: Example scene does not include music, sound effects, dancing character animation or navigational controls.