Runs in Unity 4.x and Unity 5.x
Walking, running with your own character within 1 minute?
Or try our Online Demo by clicking here!
Ever wanted to animate your own character? Walk and fight or swim with the same character, but you don't have 1 animator which could handle all? Would you like to switch easily between male/female animations? Would you like to improve your game with technologies have been seen only in AAA titles before?
Or just want to see your own model walking around controlled by joystick, keyboard or AI?
Just grab your keyboard, download this package and you can do that now!
NO Programming or animation knowledge required!
Avatar here we go!
Avatar package takes control over a character model and helps to control it by user control or AI script, using custom made animations and scripts. You can switch the characters, animators at any time, right from the code.
The package main goal is to make it easy to connect any Mecanim humanoid character,
with any Mecanim animation controller on the fly and provide a base to get start immediately.
This package provides all of this and a lot more without the need of any skills on programming, animating or know anything about Mecanim animation system.
Customization? Integration? We call it Extension!
We worked hard to make the code small and simple! Why?
We believe that providing quality content is one thing, but make it to work in your game is even more important.
The time that you spend on experimenting, learning and finally integrating it into your game is crucial for all of us.
We also understand that each one of us want to make a unique game, and we can not provide all the features you need. Therefore we made it easy to extend Avatar with your own code in your own way.
The documentation provides details about how to create your own extension, which allows you to add your own AI or animations or any other functionality to make your game unique.
We want to help to make it easy for you, so we give you a Dressing Extension Package as example. Like it? We have even more, The Avatar Demo demonstrate all the features within Avatar in a small "game", featuring character selection with dressing.
Finally, to make it an easy choice for you, we set a low introductory price.
* Supports Unity3D free version and it works on mobiles as well.
* Simple and easy to use prefabs and scripts to manage a humanoid character model
* Select character and gender type and your Avatar ready to walk
* Easy integration into real projects
* Easy to extend or customize with your own characters, animations or AI scripts
* Player and AI modes to control character by keyboard/joystick or by AI scripts
* AI Patrol script with multi mode and waypoints
* Male and female locomotion animations
* Compatible with Mecanim animators, state machines and characters
* Dynamic switch of Mecanim animators (load from prefab, switch on the fly from the code at any time)
* Works with default Input Manager right out of the box
* High quality support by veteran game developers and animators with professional tools and background
* Based on AAA technologies
* Documentation with introducing Scripting Card
* All the assets created by us, which allows us to create any custom change on request no matter how small or big is your request.
* Need more? Let us known! Explore our limitations with us, create any animation, use any AI, think BIG and make your game UNIQUE!
The Dressing Extension and Avatar Demo also have some nice features and royalty free assets:
* Showcase the usage of Avatar from script (integrated into a simple game)
* Male and female dressing animations
* Dressing Avatar with Locomotion and dressing mode
* In game character selector with dressing animation
* Multi camera mode
* 9 Custom made characters (3 characters with 3 skins)
* Follow terrain, stairs.
* Some basic models (house, furnitures, etc.)
* Active Mirror (Unity3D Pro required)
For more information and online demo, check the package website! http://creativepudding.com/avatar