A typical rusting grill flooring material, synonymous with many science fiction movies and games. Use the tweaks to get thousands of different appearances. Achieve exactly the variations you want and re-use throughout your game, in a small file size package!
In this substance you can change the paint and rust colors, add more or less rust, add dirt and much more. All of these tweaks are fully accessible to your programming and can be changed during gameplay.
A brief Unity Substance Guide is included to help you get started with substances if you are new to them.
Diffuse, Albedo Diffuse, Specular, Gloss, Normal, Height, Bump, Displacement, Ambient Occlusion
randomseed, light_angle, tiling_horizontal, tiling_vertical, paint_color, paint_emboss_intensity, paint_emboss_highlight_color, paint_emboss_shadow_color, rust_color, rust_emboss_intensity, rust_emboss_highlight_color, rust_emboss_shadow_color, rust_spread, dirt_amount, paint_age, albedo, diffuse_hue, diffuse_saturation, diffuse_brightness, diffuse_contrast, normal_detail_quality, normal_detail_intensity, normal_invert_green, normal_invert_red, specular_brightness, specular_contrast, gloss_brightness, gloss_contrast, height_brightness, height_contrast, displacement_brightness, displacement_contrast, bump_brightness, bump_contrast, ambient_occlusion_darkness, ambient_occlusion_contrast