Unity-Mysql Account System
Login: with account name and password
Register: new account require account name, password and not verified email
Change password: require account name and old password,
set the new password
Password recovery: require registered email adress to send generated key for password reset.
account must be unique,
email must be unique,
various antispam
and antiinjection properties,
text and color helper for users,
filtered database errors for user,
time limit for one time password recovery key,
hashed passwords and keys,
easy integration this scene between start scene and game scene by putting Application_load_scene row on button on script
Included :
C# script for unity
five php scripts (php 5.5.15)
SQL table for import into mysql database
server root folder example
Fully functional with Unity Game test, standalone (win), Android and webplayer
game versions on localhost server or on domain
(depend by email setting for password recovery)
Online fully functional Old Webplayer MySQL DEMO