50% SALE!!!
This extremely affordable package contains 15 items essential for your survival. All made with love and care!Currently on 50% SALE!!!The models are in FBX format between 84 and 1364 polygons.The package comes with 1024x1024 and 2048x2048 atlas textures: diffuse/albedo and normal maps.There are also prefabs for all the different texture resolutions to make life easier for you.Items (Polygons):Backpack (1364P)Battery (84P)Compass (221P)Duct tape (96P)Flare (132P)Flashlight (240P)Ham radio (1232P)Knife (309P)Lighter (280P)Lighter fluid (254P)Map pouch (318P)Mess kit (168P)Shovel (404P)Trail stove (634P)Water canteen (300P)If you like this pack you might also enjoy our other survival packs:Survive Nuclear War PackSurvivalist Health PackSurvivalist Gourmet PackSurvivalist Pandemic PackFeel free to contact the asset publisher if you have suggestions or complaints :) !WebsiteE-mailModels are in FBX format.1024x1024 and 2048x2048 atlas textures: diffuse/albedo and normal maps.Prefabs included.