Hierarchy Plus expands the original plain GameObject tree in Hierarchy Window with many essential features.
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Animated GIF feature presentation:
Highlight mesh renderer
Highlight sprite renderer
Preserves data change after exit play mode
- Topbar: A tool bar on top of hierarchy with several new function. (Recent GameObject, Recent Scene, Save/Load Selection, Favorite, Note and Quick Setting)
- Customize: Custom icon, icon tint, highlight, text color and bold.
- Display and set Sorting Layers of Renderer.
- GameObject Note: Add note to GameObject, show in hierarchy or show in scene view as sticky.
- Persistent Data: If you change GameObject data during play mode, enable it preserves data change after exit play mode.
- Perform batch action to all children or all selected.
- Copy and paste single or multi Component.
- Enable/disable GameObjects directly in hierarchy.
- Displaying the number of children.
- Level Highlighter mark the level of hierarchy.
- Shadow Label show the label of GameObjects even its level is too deep.
- View and toggle components and scripts.
- Quickly set/view following state of GameObjects: (Selectable, Non-Editable, Favorite, Selection Base, Hierarchy Base, Static Flags, Prefab State, Gizmo Icon, Tag, Layer, Sorting Layer, Missing Reference, Log Message)