--- Fast.Reflection ---
- an extension methods library that emits IL code to generate extremely fast
field/property getters/setter, method calls and ctor invocations.
Since it emits IL, it can't be used on AOT platforms
Who's this for?
- anyone who needs 'fast' reflection
- editor developers (especially)
- as a bonus, you could use it for your game if you're targetting standalone
- lightning fast (just a couple of milliseconds away from direct calls!)
- very simple, easy to use and intuitive API
- 0 GC column in many cases!
- weakly typed API if you don't know the target and member types in advance
- strongly typed API! (generic)
- works on both reference and value types! (no need to do anything special when dealing with structs)
- handles ref/out method parameters
- handles instance and static members (fields, properties and methods)
- doesn't require Unity Pro
- Forums thread
- email askvexe@gmail.com
Thank you!
-- vexe