Link to Unity forum thread
2 fully rigged and animated wolves with 13 different animations ready for use. 3 idle, walk, run, attack and more. 5 Different color maps to add variety
Compatible with Unity 4 and Unity 5
Tris count: 5172
Vertices count: 2556
Textures: 2048x2048
Textures for Unity 4: Color with alpha cutout + Specularity, a Normal map and an emission map
Textures for Unity 5: Albedo, specular with gloss, normal map, emission map, and ambient occlusion map
List of animations:
1. Idle 1 - Frame 1 to 180
2. Idle 2 - Frame 181 to 360
3. Idle 3 - Frame 361 to 540
4. Howl - Frame 541 to 780
5. Sit start - Frame 781 to 864
6. Sit loop - Frame 865 to 1054
7. Sit end - Frame 1055 to 1140
8. Walk start - Frame 1141 to 1152
9. Walk loop - Frame 1153 to 1193
10. Walk stop - Frame 1194 to 1207
11. Battle pose start - Frame 1211 to 1230
12. Battle pose loop - Frame 1231 to 1311
13. Battle pose stop - Frame 1312 to 1336
14. Jump attack - Frame 1337 to 1392
15. Jump - Frame 1393 to 1448
16. Attack - Frame 1449 to 1474
17. Hit - Frame 1475 to 1502
18. Death - Frame 1503 to 1577
19. Run start - Frame 1578 to 1587
20. Run loop - Frame 1588 to 1614
21. Run stop - Frame 1615 to 1634
Test scene: Link