Class A Naturally Sounding Rich.
Featuring 50 + of the sickest, most disgusting repertoire of bodily sounds directly from your fellow humans. Sounds include: farts, belchs, burps, sneezes & more!
Soundspecifix is totally committed to producing the finest quality sounds. The Disgusting Collection (1.0) you buy from us contains 50+ categorized 16-bit 44.1kHz mono WAV files collected and then graded for quality.
Our humans are totally free to roam over pastures where they can display their natural behaviors to scratch and forage. The sounds they produced are free of clipping and always start/end at volume 0 to avoid any clicks or pops.
For further information about our products please visit our website at www.eduard0vc.wordpress.com/
All our subjects are vaccinated against salmonella.