PLEASE NOTE: This is the MBSCore version of THE Dialogue Engine and requires the MBSCore kit to function!FREE GAME TEMPLATES AVAILABLE ON THE WEBSITE* Visual Novel (included)* Quiz Game* MUD
* Smart dialogue remembers interactions
* Call your own code whenever you want
* Pass unlimited values to your functions
* Runtime generated, typed variables
* Completely display agnostic
* Create custom GUIs
* Runs on all platforms
* Display inventory values in dialogue
* Play or stop sounds or loops any time
* Play random sounds at random times(Like on bored guards)
* Includes localisation
* Includes an inventory system
* Items can have unlimited sub-values
* Inventory doubles as a quest system
* Dialogue influences inventory & the game
* In-game actions influence the dialogue
* Track anything
(i.e. int, bool, Color, Vectors and more)
* Load or save EVERYTHING with 1 line of code
...and those are just the announced features. Still not enough? Okay... How about the ability to add custom functionality to the dialogue engine without modifying a single line of code? Simply add any extra data you want to use at any turn in the dialogue script and use it right from your custom GUI.
The dialogue file format is super forgiving of white space; includes a second, shorter, syntax and allows you to mix and match the two as you please. In addition, you can add any custom data to any dialogue turn, should you feel the need to do so (i.e. the name of a new background image to show for example) and when that turn is spoken, that data is presented to you to use as you see fit.
In fact, you can create entirely new data sections in each file, if you so choose. By default a dialogue script contains 2 sections: WHO is participating in this dialogue and WHAT are they saying. You could expand that to include anything else you like...You add it, the kit makes it available at runtime... Thus, expand the kit as far as your imagination allows. All you need to do is create your custom GUI. THE Dialogue Engine doesn't require your to change one line of code in order to allow you to use your custom data or data sections
Also includes runtime typed data generation. The kit returns your data in the type of your choice: String, int, float, Color, Quaternion, Vector2/3, Rect... You will be hard pressed to find a more versatile dialogue engine...
It's like one of my reviews state:"once you can wrap your head around things it's got millions of uses. "Forum Support Thread