* Please, pay attention, that in this package, present only .psd file and cut .png files. For all elements in a package, you must write a code, it is simply the art and design.
Pandora Sci-Fi GUI Skin, is a set of the graphic elements developed for game of a genre of sci-fi. In this package, some options of one elements which were developed will be suitable both for tablet devices and for the mobile.
This package includes various game windows and elements
* Status of teams
* Panel of fast access to skills
* Two options of a radar
* Two options of the mini HP bar
* Starting menu
* Window shop, Confirmation Window purchase
* Simple text window
* Selection window level
* Window of end level
* Bar filling level
* Set from three types the checkboxes, plus the slider
* Bar of loading of level
* Two types of the controller. One simplified, second more developed also has
additional parameters of health and energy.
Product Features:
- Fully sliced layers as a .png
- All collected in a Photoshop .psd file
- Font present
- More than 50 different elements
- All files are organized and divided into folders.