>Compatible with Unity 2017
Where can you satisfy three wish by just one download? In daydream or nightmare? I certainly tell you the answer. Its right here right now~Totally Free FX package "Buff Loop FX" is available for you as a blessing gift now. That means that you don't need any VFX artist, UI designer and Sound engineer...the most important: you even don't need spend any money to obtain 14 articles of FX, 14 articles of SFX and 14 Icons. There are several features in this package:
>14 high quality effects without any charge
>Moderate style suitable for both cartoon & reality
>Both suitable for 2D & 3D
>Good efficiency to support mobile games
>Dimensions are approximate to reality
>Classic texture & material sort manage system.
>Special bonus: Relative craft custom SoundFX
>Special bonus: Relative Icon texture~
>To adapt Unity 5
Buff loop effects appear in many different typical games. Its impossible to develop a game without it. Therefore here is your so big chance that
you never regret~
Check out the demo below!
>>DEMOMy dear friend,
I have a duty to tell you : If this package is suitable for your game project,I sincerely advise you using Dr.Game FX series in your game completely.Because you are easy to achieve three tasks once efficiently.All of the items below contain FX. SFX and icons.Good luck~
>>Weather&Wind FX
>>Water Elemental FX
>>All-in-One Fire FX
>>Flight Magic FX
>>Half-Price Integrate FX
>>Battle Skill FX
>>Rare UV Skill FX
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