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Nobody likes to deal with messy, undocumented projects. Programmers have code comments (little notes to their future selves, or other programmers), but artists and designers have, historically, been left without any convenient way to document their work.
With uNote it takes but a few seconds to rectify ambiguous designs. Add a note to objects in your scene, or, if you create your own scripts, add notes to your components to document how to use them, or what they're for.
Still curious? uNote has quite a few noteworthy features, some of which include:
• Full Unity 2017, 2018, and 2019 compatibility!
• Rich Text Support
• A simple, clean UI
• Light and Dark theme support!
• Scene view rendering. See your notes in the scene window!
• A custom PropertyDrawer and PropertyAttribute. Add notes to your custom components!
And much more!
Never again wonder what something is, or why it's there. Whether you're creating comments for team members or your future self, with uNote things have never been so easy to annotate.
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