Procedural Lightning - High Performance and Shocking Lightning
Digital Ruby (Jeff Johnson)
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Get the most performant and best looking lightning on the asset store! Turbo-charge your game with spells, lasers, weapons and much, much more!View my other plugins | Code Documentation | Mailing List | Configure | Lights | Whip | Tutorial | Unity ForumsProcedural Lightning is the fastest, lowest price, best looking and easiest to use lightning on the Asset Store. No other asset provides the raw power, performance, customization, low price and prefabs of Procedural Lightning. Mobile, VR and desktop look and perform great! Drag a prefab in, configure and you are done! URP and HDRP render pipelines are fully supported.Performance! Procedural Lightning has a built in pooling system, no garbage collection and heavily optimized code and shaders to give you maximum performance. There is even a multi-threaded option. Other assets use the Unity line renderer or expensive shaders with a few textures and have lightning that looks the same all the time. Yuck!I've added a nice spell system with force lightning, lightning beam, lightning ball, charged bolt and lightning whip. Easily extensible and customizable.If that weren't enough, you also get 17 high def thunder sounds. I've literally spent weeks on end of my life making this the best lightning in the asset store, and I know it will serve you well.Here's the full run-down on what Procedural Lightning and Thunder for Unity can do for you:- A configuration scene to help you get the exact look you want for your lightning. Tweak the detail, width, glow, duration, chaos, forkedness, direction and much more. Bolts can be randomized with a seed to get the same bolt.- One click to get the exact code and script to reproduce your lightning bolt.- Manual and automatic mode for the script. Trigger your customized prefab manually or let it run automatically.- A robust lightning script that lets you create lightning strikes with a large selection of parameters with near infinite possibilities.- Lightning works great in many scenarios: thunderstorms, magic spells, static discharge and much more!- Lightning branches fade in, jitter and grow to make your lightning really come alive.- Storm cloud particle system that looks stunning when lit up by lightning.I've also included a more high level script if you just want storm lightning in your game without having to configure very much stuff. This script contains:- Normal and intense lightning strikes with appropriate brightness, thunder delay and thunder volume.- Cloud only lightning option.- 17 distinct thunder sounds.- Random range of time for the next lightning strike.- Option to illuminate the skybox when there is a lightning strike.- Random range of lightning intensity.- Force a lightning strike via script.- Lightning centered around the main camera by default.- Option to try and make sure every lightning strike is visible by the camera.- Dark cloud particle system for storm clouds.- Demo scenes showing some terrain and water with the ability to call lightning with keystrokes. Procedural Lightning for Unity also contains an advanced lighting system that allows you to generate point lights along the paths of your lightning for that extra realistic effect. - Supports perspective, orthographic and orthographic xz planes.This asset contains a batch of prefabs to create lightning bolts, sphere lightning, cone lightning, lightning fields, arcs of electricity and chain lightning. 17 high def thunder sounds, as well as a storm cloud particle system that looks amazing when lit up by lightning, are also included. You can even seed your lightning to get the same appearance.Don't spend time making lightning effects yourself from scratch. Save yourself time and money with this powerful yet easy to use plugin.This asset is demonstrated in a HereVR sci-fi pack video, viewable from here: http://u3d.as/guNGames using procedural lightning:- Doomwheel- Halloween Night- Project DemigodPlease read the Readme.txt file to get the most out of this asset. I am available at jjxtra@gmail.com to answer questions and help you out.Best wishes for you and your project.- JeffLightningParticle SystemsSpellsAudio and SoundsGraphicsVFX
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Procedural Lightningは、Asset Storeで最速、最低価格、最も見栄えがよく、最も使いやすいライトニングです。 Procedural Lightningの生のパワー、パフォーマンス、カスタマイズ、低価格、プレハブを提供する資産は他にありません。モバイル、VR、デスクトップは見た目もパフォーマンスも優れています。プレハブをドラッグして構成すれば完了です。 LWRPおよびHDRPがサポートされています。
パフォーマンス! Procedural Lightningには、組み込みのプールシステムがあり、ガベージコレクションはなく、大幅に最適化されたコードとシェーダーが最大のパフォーマンスを提供します。マルチスレッドのオプションもあります。他のアセットは、Unityラインレンダラーまたはいくつかのテクスチャを備えた高価なシェーダーを使用し、常に同じように見える稲妻を持っています。おい!
以下に、Procedural Lightning and Thunder for Unityができることの詳細を示します。
-キーストロークで稲妻を呼び出す機能を備えた地形と水を示すデモシーン。 Procedural Lightning for Unityには高度なライティングシステムも含まれており、ライトニングのパスに沿ってポイントライトを生成して、よりリアルな効果を得ることができます。 -遠近法、正投影および正投影xz平面をサポートします。
このアセットには、稲妻、球形の稲妻、円錐形の稲妻、稲妻のフィールド、アークアーク、チェーン稲妻を作成するための一連のプレハブが含まれています。 17の高デフのサンダーサウンドと、雷に照らされたときに驚くほどに見える嵐の雲のパーティクルシステムも含まれています。雷をシードして同じ外観にすることもできます。
既知の問題:モバイル上のUnity 4.Xでは機能しません。 Unity 4.XおよびUnity pre 5.6でコンパイルする必要がありますが、プレハブが正しくロードされない場合があります。