Water 2D Tool allows you to make your 2D game more dynamic and engaging. The ability to animate the water can be used to create different puzzles and obstacles for the players.2D Renderer not supported.Support and Social LinksDiscord | Forum | Facebook | DocGPU Based Ripple Water:Ripple waves simulation.Dynamic water size with no ripple stretching.Ambient waves.Dynamic obstructions.Texture obstructions.Create texture obstructions inside Unity.Ripple sources.Rain simulation.Large water areas.Height animation.Other Features:Water prefabs.Collider layer mask.Ray cast based character controllers can generate ripples now.On exit player ripple, particle system and sound effect.Manually generate ripples by calling GenerateRippleAtPosition().2D and 2.5D water.Water flow.The water size can be changed in the editor using 4 handles.Physics based buoyant force.Linear buoyant force.Water animation.Constant water area.Water displacement by objects.Idle waves.Texture tiling.Support for 2D and 3D colliders.NOTES:- Water 2D Tool buoyancy works only with dynamic objects and physics based character controllers.- Water objects rotation not supported.