Documentation | Demo | Forum ThreadSimple Procedural Skybox is an asset contains shader designed to procedurally render the skybox dynamically overtime. The primary goal for this asset is it can be used for general purposes and easy to be extended for different kinds of project.The shader is split in multiple passes. Each pass in the shader does render a different feature on top of each order starting from render a cubic background, simulate scattering, drawing a sun spot in the day, star field in the night, then non-volumetric/planar cloud.The scattering function used in this asset is comes from unity's built-in procedural shader with slight modification for better customization.External changes in the scene like sun rotation and camera position is accounted in the asset so the background, sun spot and stars do follow sunlight direction and cloud also does move whenever the player move in significant distance.Clouds and star field work using tile-able texture which will be manipulated later in the shader. The texture itself also can be generated using our dedicated editor script that comes also in the asset.This shader can be used for all devices running shader model 2.0 and beyond. Nothing is eliminated if device only support SM2.0 at all.