Fully rigged and animated amazon fantasy character.
Optimized for real-time engines and suitable for high quality renders.
000-030 Dodge1
030-060 Dodge2
060-090 Dodge3
090-140 idle2
140-200 Attack1 2swings sword
195-240 circular swinging sword
240-300 Attack2 pierce sword
305-335 moving forward combat pose
340-360 Run
370-390 strafe left
400-420 strafe right
430-470 Walk
480-600 Idle
600-650 into combat pose
650-770 attack3 crossbow (reloading and shooting)
770-850 attack4 bow (preparing+shooting)
779-847 attack4 bow (looped reloading+shooting)
850-881 attack5 polearm (pierce attack)
881-931 attack6 spear throwing
931-972 attack7 2 hands attack (dual axes or daggers)
Mid - 2442 tris
High - 5467 tris