Make it easy sorting gameobjects made with multiple overlapped parts by any axis X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, ZX & Camera.Forward.
All you need is attach the IsoSpriteSorting script to any object, and all its renderer children will be sorted according to the position of parent object in the sorting axis.
Compatible with gameobjects with different render parts with an specific sorting order, like a Puppet2D or Anima2D character.
Web Demo | Forum | Docs | Video
- Full Source Code (NEW v1.0.1)
- Full Documentation
- Automatic sorting by gameobject and sorting axis position
- Support for Renderer and Canvas renderer
- Works both in play and edit mode
- Change sorting base position easily by dragging dot gizmo
- All done with a single script
Support: creativespore@gmail.com
Web: www.creativespore.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CreativeSpore