Advanced Game Sounds includes a broad selection including arcade game sounds, real coins, casino game sounds, correct answers, epic positive sounds, gained xp, tokens, game wins and many more.Advanced Game Sounds--Retail: $79 -- On Sale Now!Attention game developers, animators, and motion graphics designers, here’s a sound library that will pay for itself over and over. Advanced Game Sounds is an electrifying power pack of more than 3100 compelling source and engineered sounds. With this hand-picked collection of proven and unique audio assets you’ll be the master of your gaming domain and fully empowered to create audio experiences that inspire epic gameplay at a “whole nuther level”.Now you can have a vast domain of uniquely designed and crafted sound effects at your fingertips – right next to your mixing board and game controller. As sound designers ourselves, we understand the needs and demanding requirements for making that game sequence sound right. That’s why we put the Advanced Game Sounds SFX library together – to meet the needs of game developers and freelance sound designers at any level and deliver an unbeatable curated assortment and value.You May Also Be Interested In:Fantasy GameHybrid Game SoundsUltimate Game Music loops-ElectronicSci-Fi Worlds UniverseAdvanced Game Sounds includes a broad selection including arcade game sounds, real coins, casino game sounds, correct answers, epic positive sounds, gained xp, tokens, game wins, controller and console sounds, indie game sounds, organics, pickups, processed, retro and 8 bit game sounds, synthesized, touches, indicators, interface, victory sounds and many many more.Quit camping and level up friends, FTW! Add some awesomeness to your next production with Epic Stock Media's Advanced Game Sounds sound effects library.Product Specs1.11 GB3,100+ filesAll files in WAV. 44,100 16 Bit1 hour+ of Game AudioIndie Game Sound Effects LibraryPerfect Collection to Increase workflowGreat for Mobile App GamesMixture of Synthesized,Organic and ProcessedEpic Positive, Pickups, Touches, Game Win,Gained XP Victory, Correct Answer,Point Score Negative, Hits, Alerts, Wrong AnswersGame Overs Ambience And Tonal LoopsClutch Items, Hits, Blings, AchievementsRetro Game, Casino, Arcade and Real CoinsSpecials, Countdowns, RechargesTwisted Frozen Items, Hits, NotificationsHi-Tech User Interface,Risers, Power Ups, Coin AwardsRobotics, Mech, and Futuristic SoundsFootsteps on Gravel, Wood Floor,Snow and Loops Blood, Gore, Spills, Squirts, Smash,Movement and Impacts Fun Game Styled Weapons and ExplosionsVast Amount of Simple, Moderate,and Complex sounds & More!