This is the fighter - school girl character.
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This demo scene require characters of "Mecanim Example Scenes" (See screenshots)
- Mecanim ready
- Humanoid animation type rig
- (Humanoid type Fully compatible)
- 2,571 vertices / 2,957 triangle polygons
- 1024 x 1024 x 1 png Texture
- 15+ animations
- Example code
- Quick Support(E-mail)
Animation List (Type : Humanoid)
- idle
- attackIdle
- walk
- run
- attack
- damage1
- damage2
- damage3
- die
- skill
- dodge
- jump
- jump start
- jump fall
- jump land
Sample code(C#)
- unity character controller
- character control & move
- jump
- attack action
- hit check
- hit reaction
- hit effect
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