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This asset allows you to create vector based circles, rings and arcs using simple code. The shapes are pixel perfect, provide smoothed edges and can be textured using local or global texture coordinates. It’s a perfect addition when creating user interfaces or vector based games, simulations and animations.
Webplayer Demo
Web GL
- Easy creation of pixel perfect circles, rings and arcs. The shapes are perfect vector elements without any polygon artefacts.
- The shaders contain a fragment based antialiasing that will ensure clean and smoothed edges. You can adjust the edge fading dynamically if you need blurry edges.
- If you use textures instead of solid colors you can choose between local (user defined) and globally generated texture coordinates.
- There are 6 integrated examples covering a simple physic simulation, global texturing, user interfaces and randomized animations.
- Separate shaders for CG and GLSL for optimal quality on mobile devices.