Important Note: Due to some structure changes in 2.5, it is highly recommended that you make a copy of your project before upgrading.
New in 2.5
• Object pool support.
• Includes the AutoPool package.
• Eliminated jitter that could occur at high rotation speeds.
• New Fx controller to coordinate particles, trail renderers, audio, and more on bullets and units.
• Bonus user submitted textures by Kevin Higuchi.
• A number of other enhancements and bug fixes.
• Ballistics and intercept.
Turrets can aim to account for gravity, and to hit a moving target, or both. Linear intercept to hit a moving target, based on shot speed and relative shooter and target velocities. Ballistics can use high arc or low arc solutions. Works with varying gravity strengths, even reverse gravity.
• Correct smooth acceleration/deceleration motion under AI control.
This solution produces turrets that smoothly accelerate, and then begin to decelerate at the correct time to stop at the desired position. If the target changes during movement, the system produces realistic residual rotation while turning to the new angle.
• Tracking is independent of turret orientation, motion, or parenting.
You can place turrets on walls, ceilings, or any arbitrary angle. You can place turrets on any object, or even other turrets. Yes, even turrets within turrets within turrets.
Additional Features:
• Two-part system: rotator and elevator objects.
• Base, rotator, elevator, and gun mounts do not have to be positionally aligned.
• Separate turn and elevation rates.
• Separate turn and elevation acceleration rates.
• Deceleration multiplier value. (in case stopping should be quicker/slower than accelerating)
• Toggle between variable (smooth) and constant turn rates.
• Rotation and elevation arc limits.
• Optional aiming error to rotation.
• Arbitrary at rest position.
• Turrets can accept targets from another script or scan for their own targets.
• Designate scan range and frequency of target list updating.
• Target detection can be done via tags or layers.
• Audio support for movement sounds that change pitch based on movement speed.
• Modular support: Built-in functions to ask if the turret is aimed at the target, or if the target is within arc limits.
Weapon Features:
• Shot and muzzle flash items.
• Specify 2 of 3: Shot speed, duration, and max range. (it will compute the missing value)
• Inaccuracy in degrees.
• Can fire at a target based on target size, not just when pointed dead center.
• Cycle time between shots.
• Burst fire count before requiring a burst reload delay.
• Ammo count which has it's own reload time.
• Option to prevent reloading or to give unlimited ammo.
• Line of sight check.
• Audio support for firing sounds.
• Support for multiple projectiles per shot.
• Support for multiple exits per weapon.
• Support for multiple weapons per turret.
• Static or dynamic range-based shot convergence distance when using multiple weapons.
• Simultaneous or alternating fire when using multiple weapons.
• Selection system to visualize target lists, targeting, navigation.
• Ability to edit target lists in real time by clicking objects.
• Simple sample vehicles and behavior for easy testing.
• Complete framework to integrate navigation, detection, target management, weapons, and unit behavior.