Spend only a few seconds and almost as many clicks to generate 2D/3D mazes!Spend only a few seconds and almost as many clicks to generate 2D/3D mazes!"What can I say? I have a thing for mazes and I always wanted to come up with an algorithm from scratch that could make them for me."Notable Features2D and 3D GenerationIntegrated PathfindingSeed Value Generation: Get the same maze twice!Add Pre-built Prefab Areas as Variables for Generation (i.e. Maze Garden Areas)Lightning Fast In-Editor GenerationRuntime Generation over Multiple Frames: Saves your framerate so your players don't hate you!Automatic Placement of In-Maze Objects: Who wants to place 500 torches by hand?A Developer Who's Here to Listen to Your Wants and Needs :)This asset generates what is known as a perfect maze or a maze that doesn't have any impossible to reach areas and that has exactly one path to any given point in the maze (basically your usual maze). With a click of a button you can generate a braid maze which is basically a perfect maze without dead ends so there are multiple paths to each point in the maze, and walking with your left hand on the wall won't necessarily find you the exit - you may end up walking in circles instead. Add to that the ability to save your settings as an external file to load in another project, along with a series of customization options, and you've got yourself a maze generator that works like magic ;)Works even better if you use the AudioScape package. Just line up the in-editor gizmo boxes that show where your AudioScape is working and where your maze will generate to have a fully soundscaped maze!As always, if you've got some comments, suggestions, or find some bugs, let me know through my email or the contact form on my website.And don't forget to rate and comment to help us publishers out! :)Procedurally generates 2D/3D mazesAutomatically places decorationsAutomatically places hand-crafted prefabs (i.e. a garden or central area)Supports runtime generation over multiple framesBuilt-in pathfinding solutionUtilizes a custom grid-based generation method that treats walls and floors as discrete blocks for an extremely modular result