This asset includes
• Occluded Render
• Tri-Planar
• Selective Glow
Get all 3 plus exclusive new and improved functionality.
Plus All future Heathen Engineering shaders and screen effect packages will be included in this asset.
New features include
• A Physical Based smart shader replacing the 200 + classic shaders of Occluded Render and Selective Glow.Classic shaders included with this package.
• A Physical Based smart shader replacing the 30+ classic tri-planar shaders of Tri-Planar Essentials.Classic shaders included with this package
• Improved Physical Based Tri-Planar shader for Terrain (Splat)
• Improved performance and usability of Selective Glow screen effect
• New and improved documentation for the classics and new assets
Heathen Standard Shader Features:
Based on Unity’s own Standard shader the base results are identical to Unity Standard insuring seamless application with out of the box materials. Custom material editor based on Unity’s Own Standard Material editor gives you a simple familiar interface with all new powerful features.
Heathen Standard
• Show Back Face; for all your cut out shader needs this option allows you to render back faces or cull with a single shader
• Occluded Renderer; render various effects over the parts of your mesh that are occluded by non-Heathen Standard materials. Supporting HDR this does not require but pairs nicely with screen effects such as Unity’s or 3rd party bloom effects.
Heathen Standard Tri-Planar
• Choose between Object or World space projection in a single material shader with a custom editor derived from Unity’s own Standard Material Editor.
• UV free models, generic models and textures and in the case of world projection no texture stretching all while respecting the standard controls (tilling and offset for Object only)
• Terrain aka splat shader included which conforms to Unity’s standard thus allowing per texture control of metallic and smoothness settings. This insures even steep faces are textured properly and goes a step further with improved normal map blending.
Occluded Render Features:
See through walls with the highly configurable and simple to use settings group on the Heathen Standard Shader. No screen effect required and able to produce the 3 popular effects of the classic Occluded Render in a single shader as well as removing the need for the ‘No Occlude’ materials.
Tri-planar Features:
UV free and generic models no longer require specific texture mapping. UV projection is calculated at render time quickly and efficiently in object or world space via the Standard (Physically Based Shaded) shader. 30+ classic shaders with unique projection options offer maximum flexibility when working under a traditional material structure including Tops (unique top and bottom texture), Simple (unique X Y and Z texture), Basic (single texture) and World (world space projection for perfect alignment no matter position)
Tri-Planar terrain shaders AKA splat materials are also included in classic and physically based forms. Terrain shaders eliminate seams between terrains thanks to world projection and eliminate texture stretching by virtue of tri-planar projection. Normal map blending is greatly improved eliminating the ‘wet’ or shiny look when certain normal maps where used in standard terrain shaders.
Selective Glow Features:
Highly configurable glow selective per material with configuration options on both the material and the screen effect. Selective Glow does not require but does pair nicely with HDR and Linear colour space. The screen effect is easily extended with full source included and modular shaders allowing easy application to existing custom shaders.
Improved performance and improved inspector configuration the effect is easier and faster to use with all the same features and power as before. Compatible with Heathen’s Standard Shader via the Emissive texture, colour and power Selective Glow works beautifully on its own and paired with popular image effects such as Bloom and Tonemapping.
All the classic Selective Glow materials are included with the Heathen Standard Shader asset as well as improved documentation with developers guide for applying Selective Glow to custom material shaders.