This is a High Poly 3D Model of a Lioness with meshes optimized to a Low Poly version:
•Lioness - SHP 14888 tris;
•Lioness - HP 5782 tris;
•Lioness - LP 2478 tris;
•Lioness - SLP 1842 tris.
Model has 37 Bones.
•Lioness - 1 Color, 1 Roughness Textures, 1 Normal, 1 Specular, 1 Ambient Oclusion Maps (all 4k).
Model has 53 UNIQE Animations (InPlace & RootMotion). The Unity Project contains TWO[2] FBX Files, one with 'In Place' animations and second with 'Root Motion' animations, which are GREAT ASSET to this Model.
Idle, Walk/WalkBack, Creeping/CreepingBack, Running/RunningFast, Swimming, Turn Left/Right, Strafe Left/Right, Start Rest/Rest/EndRest, Go To Sleep From Rest, Sleeping/EndSleepingToRest, LyingEating/AggresiveEating, StartEating/Eating/EndEating, StartRoaring/Roaring/EndRoaring, FightIdle, AttackRightPaw, Seating Attack Paw, AttackJaw, StartShitting/Shitting/EndShitting, StartPissing/Pissing/EndPissing, Lurking, Drinking, Trapping, IdleSeating, Jumping, Hit Left/Right/Front/Back, Death/Death01, WalkTurn Left/Right/Left/Right.
E-mail: Graphics@4toonStudio.com
Update 2:
•ALL SHP/HP/LP/SLP Models replaced;
•ALL Textures, Specular, Ambient Oclusion Maps (4k) replaced;
•New Roughness Texture added;
•ALL Animations 'In Place'/'Root Motion' replaced;
•New Animations (11 pcs) added.
•New SLP Model added;
•New Animations 'In Place' (5 pcs) added;
•New Animations 'Root Motion' (10 pcs) added.
Update 2 - Version 2.1 fixed Root Motion Animations: