This Blackjack Table includes the essential items of a professional Blackjack.Interested on more casino games?Please check out our websiteIt includes an entire pack of Classic Blackjack Cards, six Chips, six low poly Chip Piles, Card Shoe, Card Discard, Min and Max Plaque, PBR Textures, Casino Chair. Ready to be added into your scene.File IncludesPrefabs All of ItemsBlackjack TableCardshoeChairCard DiscardSix Types of ChipsSix Types of Chip Piles52 CardsMin and Max PlaqueCloth with RulesCloth with no RulesPBR TexturesImportantThe cost of this Unity Asset includes all features and rules stated above. For any custom design requests, rule changes or general questions about changes to the template, please contact us for a custom quote via our website