Modern delta wing French Airforce Multirole Combat Aircraft
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This beautiful Aircraft comes with 6 texture sets for the standard Unity 5 Physically Based Rendering and dynamic GI.
The mesh has separate and correctly named ailerons and animated landing gear to give easy and full control over in-flight and grounded versions of the asset.
The Aircraft is is correctly orientated to ensure correct flight direction when paired with a flight controller.
The package has been fully tested and we are confident you'll love this aircraft.
Poly Count : 13,628 triangles
Poly Count (without landing gear) : 9,222 triangles
-Materials for Glass, Undercarriage and main aircraft
- Default Navy Grey texture
Plus 5 bonus texture Variations:
Desert Worn
Weathers Bush
Winter Urban
- Separate landing gear and control surfaces for in-flight and landing assets.
- Animated landing gear.
- Asset prefab provided so you can 'drag and drop' into your game.
- 2048 textures for albedo, metalness and normal maps.
Point of interest: Its name translated from the French means 'Gust' or 'Squall'.
Point d'intérêt : L'avion est nommé d'après une rafale de vent