Game Kit Controller - Shooter Melee Adventure Creator 3D + 2.5D
Two Cubes
Jump AssetStore
GKC is the most complete engine solution with 1st/3rd Person Controller & unique mechanics, RPG systems, Gravity and Sci-Fi features!New Update 3.77d (Changelog):-Improved AI behaviors!-New Zombie AI Template-Shared Action System to play animations between 2 characters-Improved damage detection with destroyable body parts and limbs to drop-AI can toggle long and short range attacks dynamically-Damaged body parts on AI can change behavior and attacks-100% compatible with Unity 6Documentation - Forum - Tutorial Videos - Discord - Videos - RoadmapPC Demo 1 - PC Demo 2 - PC Demo Local Multiplayer - Android DemoGKC is a powerful 3D/2.5D engine which allows to create most types of games easily. Including a 3rd/1st person controller with full body awareness, to cover almost any genre: shooter, adventure, action, puzzles, fixed camera horror/thriller, story telling, fast or slow paced type, 2.5d, top down, point & click, isometric, ...Save thousands of hours in development and focus on making your game.Designed with mechanics in mind & highly customizable & extended with your own code.It is the perfect foundation for your game & a great learning tool. Filled with ready to use mechanics. GKC contains amazing features not found on other packages. There are tons of possibilities. Enable/disable anything you need.Set up players or AI in a couple of seconds.Very customizable effects & options: camera states, settings and transitions, powers, weapons, touch controls, headbob, custom input keys, footsteps, vehicles, ...FEATURES:• Character Controller: A physics-based & root motion controller, with features to make the player more dynamic and feel alive, with advanced use of IK for feet, legs, upper body, hands and head track. Include many settings, as number of jumps, look in camera direction, ragdoll transition, drive vehicles, use weapons/powers, foot steps, ground adherence for slopes and stairs with mesh colliders and tank controls, dash, climb ladders, lean, ...• Traversal Movements: More MetroidVania than ever! Includes free fall, roll on landing to avoid damage, improved jump-air-land transition, wall running, different jump height based on key press time, swim-dive, slide and wall jump crouch sliding, wall running, free climb system, paraglider & wind zones, fully adapted to 2.5d!• Action system: configure easily new custom actions based on animations triggered by places of the level, specific situations, input, like sit on a chair, pick objects from the ground, open doors, press button, vault, slide, 360º direction roll/evade, walk on a cliff, ladders on 3rd person, animation tools, conditions. Available on the AI too.• Camera System: 1st/3rd person & multiple camera views and states, with collision detection, and any type of locked camera view: fixed camera, top down, isometric, point & click, 2.5d, cutscenes, ... Start the game in any view. The current view can make transitions to any other state, shakes, headbob and other feedbacks. It has also a powerful lock-on & aim assist.• Abilities: The player can perform a large number of actions: circumnavigate spheres & irregular surfaces, adhere to any surface, fire powers from his hands, customize new power behaviors, close combat system with combos, fly freely, use a possession system to control any object on the level, grab and carry objects on camera or in his hands, cloak/stealth system, shield, spell casting, throw objects, use grappling hook, flying mode, jetpack, ... and combine it with the action system to use animations with it, with 60+ abilities examples!• Full support of Generic Models: animals, monsters, robots, ... as AI & player to control or ride anything! Shape Shifting into any generic model, like a wolf!• Advanced Gravity Manipulation: Up is down & left is right. GKC player has a very powerful gravity system which allows to walk on any surface, circumnavigate objects, adhere to any place. Different gravity zones can be set on the same level, affecting objects and vehicles and the gravity direction can change in real time, even zero gravity. Vehicles can drive anywhere!• Character Creator: Create new characters with your own model in a matter of two clicks, players and NPC/AI for friends & enemies. Armor/cloth system & Character Creation on Game Start.• Custom Input System: unified keyboard, touch & gamepad input, using events to trigger any action and configure as much input keys as you need. Controls are ready to use on mobile and it allows to manage multiple gamepads for local multiplayer. Input can be rebind ingame and save/load it.• Mobile Ready: all the controls, actions and features work in mobile. Touch controls can be enabled in editor and desktop at any moment.• Advanced Weapon System: Extensible & customizable weapon system based on physics and IK, plug any behavior, allows to configure from regular weapons such a revolver or shotgun, to advanced tools, like a flashlight or a smartphone. Molotov & flash grenades. Attachments can be configured ingame. Includes a decal manager for any type of surface for scorch, sounds and particles. Insane amount of options to shoot: spread, projectiles per shoot, clip size, bullet speed, bullet force amount, explosion radius. Now with Dual Wield weapons, setting every weapon for every hand in real time. And animation management for weapons in 1st person, compatible with any weapon pack on the store.• Inventory Management: Create any inventory object in a few clicks: weapons, ammo, consumables, quest items and pickups. Each object can have weight and the inventory can have a weight limit. Inventory is managed through any type of category. These objects can be also examined in the inventory menu and inventory size can be increased ingame with bags. Crates and chest can spawn objects anywhere. Inventory banks included. Hotbar added!• Turn Based Combat System: inspired in classic and modern RPG games!• Extensible Vehicle System: Car, motorbike, hovercraft, aircraft, hoverboard, ... based on physics, with advanced damage detection, weapons, IK for driver and passengers limbs and body, throw passengers on collisions, camera states & AI. New vehicle Wizard Creator added. Buoyancy system: float on water, boat & jet ski vehicles.• General drive/ride system, any vehicle/animal controller from the asset store or custom made will work with GKC out of the box• Powerful Map System included, to configure tiles for every room, floor, building and exterior/cities of your game with an advanced map creator, with views in 2d/3d and compass. Use a mini map window with different icons for every type of object.• Friend/Enemy/Neutral AI: unarmed, fire or melee weapons, close combat, waypoint system for patrols, give orders to friendly AI: enter on vehicles, factions to configure relations between NPCs and the player, hide from AI on grass or under a table. Now Zombies included! AI pet companion to call, ride & give orders. AI can take turns to attack like Arkham games, steal or pick weapons from scene!• Interact with any device/object in the level: text screens, password terminals, computers, security cameras, padlocks, places with text messages for the player, buttons to press, doors, elevators, ziplines, jump platforms, pressure plates, heal/damage zones, teleportation platforms, puzzles, tutorial triggers, one way and waypoint platforms, explosive barrels.• RPG elements: XP & level, mission system to configure any type of quest, skills with upgrades, stats, currency, vendor system, stamina, oxygen ...• Crafting System: build objects with blueprints, materials, ingredients, workbenches and extract materials from ground! Build & place any crafted objects on scene with a placement tool. Recipes/blueprints on scriptable objects and wizard creator. Durability for armor/cloth, melee, fire weapons, objects, break, repair & disassemble.• Melee Combat System: allowing to perform combos, special attacks, attacks on air, blocks with sword/shields, roll/dodge, perfect blocks, hit reaction system, throw/return weapon, warp ability, activate a slice mode, Parry/counter, bow/arrows with effects (poison, fire, water, sedative, explosives, ...), lock-on target, torches with fire mechanics/puzzles and much more. Fire projectiles from melee weapons, magic staff, Mjölnir, boomerang or rifle/gun swords!• Scene Manager to change of scene ingame, connect your scenes and levels through events, triggers and buttons, with auto save/load and fast travel stations.• Complete Save/Load System: included in the package, it allows to save/load the game at any moment, save stations and checkpoints, with the most important info: inventory, weapons, stats, experience, skills, missions. Also auto save/load of info when changing to a different Scenes.• Powerful Editor/Toolbar: Made with very intuitive & easy to use custom editors, having the perfect workflow to create and configure elements like new inventory objects, weapons, maps, ... in seconds. Localization system included.• Packed with content: Tons of systems to boost development: health with advanced damage detection, dialog with decisions and branches, local multiplayer with split screen and multiple gamepad management, pooling, full map and compass, climb ledge, create cutscenes, examine and interact with objects, Photo Mode for captures ingame, Loading screen & more. All code included.• Community & Support: Official Discord channel with a growing base of users. Get direct support in real time from the developer & users, with remote sessions.• Integrations:-Emerald AI-Easy Build System-UMA 2-Edy’s Vehicles-Malber’s animals-RCC-NWH vehicles-SCK & MCK-Dialogue System-More to arriveFUTURE-New enemies, weapons & powers-New vehicles: industrial, construction, planes, spaceships-Cooking/farming/survival-Online multiplayer-AI vehicles/traffic-Cover System-VR Support-And moreDon't hesitate to use the email/discord support for any matter.GKC supports any model, either generic or humanoid for AI and playerSupports any version equal or higher to 2019.4.9, including 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and Unity 6Remember to import the animation package, the link can be found on the pop up windowAny render pipeline can be used with GKC, using the regular conver material processGKC doesn't need to import the whole project settings, only TagManager and InputManager are needed, and their presets are included
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これはゲームの完璧な基盤であり、優れた学習ツールです。すぐに使えるメカニックでいっぱい。 GKCには、他のパッケージにはない素晴らしい機能が含まれています。可能性はたくさんあります。必要なものを有効/無効にします。
•高度な重力操作:上が下、左が右です。 GKCプレーヤーは非常に強力な重力システムを備えており、あらゆる表面上を歩き、オブジェクトをナビゲートし、あらゆる場所に付着できます。異なる重力ゾーンを同じレベルで構成して、オブジェクトや車両にも影響を与えることができます。これらのゾーンの重力方向は、無重力モードを含め、リアルタイムで変更できます。車両には同じ重力操作があり、どこでも運転できます!
•キャラクタークリエーター:プレイヤーと友達や敵のNPC / AIを含め、わずか2クリックで独自のモデルで新しいキャラクターを作成できます。
•強力なマップシステムが含まれ、高度なマップクリエーターを使用して、ゲームのすべての部屋、床、建物、外装/都市のタイルを2d / 3dとコンパスのビューで構成できます。オブジェクトのタイプごとに異なるアイコンのミニマップウィンドウを使用します。
•完全な保存/読み込みシステム:パッケージに含まれ、いつでもゲームを保存/読み込み、ステーションやチェックポイントを保存でき、在庫、武器、統計、経験、スキル、ミッションなどの最も重要な情報が含まれています。 ..また、別のシーンに変更すると、情報の自動保存/ロードが行われます。
※ 上記アセット説明(日本語翻訳)は2020年5月19日時点の内容です。