Essential Terrain Pack will allow you to build your nature environments with many combinable generic nature elements with or without unity Terrain tools.Essential Terrain is compatible with Built In (by default) URP & HDRP.For URP or HDRP just import the required unitypackage (once the asset is imported) wich can be downloaded from the extended info link.Tutorial and tips for pipeline import HERE[ASSET INFO] [Website] [Support]ASSET HIGHTLIGHTSOver 200 Combinable PrefabsParticle effectsTileable materials libraryDemoscene includedASE Shaders with custom effects shadersShaders are editable with Amplify Shader EditorSpecial shader for Mossy / Sand covered meshesWater ShaderOptimized performance with LODs for each prefabUnity 2019 or above (2021 for HDRP/URP)4x differnet demoscenesBuild scenes with orwithout Unity terrain(Gaia version 2 or above)Gaia Ready: includes premade biomeThe Vegetation Engine support[DESCRIPTION]Essential Terrain Pack allows you to build nature elements with or without unity Terrain tools. This pack includes many combinable prefabs like mesh terrains, several rocks and details, animated trees and vegetation, water, mountains, etc. Create quality landscapes of natural environments with over 200 prefabs and growing. This pack includes also several demo scenes and some effects like water shaders or particle effects to increase ambience into your scenes. The pack includes texture library & ASE shader library additionally and assets are meant for performance using LODs. Finally the asset pack is also Gaia Ready including a premade biome for quick and easy environment creation and also compatible with The Vegetation Engine.Essential Terrain unitypackage is on SRP by default. Switch to URP or HDRP will require to download an import additional packages. (here)[NATURE WORLDS COLLECTION][NATURE WORLDS][WINTER LANDS][ESSENTIAL TERRAIN][MEDITERRANEAN NATURE][ANCIENT CAVERNS]For additional info click on "ASSET INFO" above.If you liked the package please let your opinion rating the asset and writting a review, thanks!PREFAB LISTTerrain Big (17)Terrain Small (31)Cliffs (4)Terrain Pieces (11)Detail Big (39)Trees (25)Branches (14)Detail Small (103)Grass (7)Fixed Grass (4)Mushrooms (20)Plants (31)Rocks (28)Small Trees (2)Trunk Dead (11)Fx (17)Clouds (6)Particles (9)Water (2)