This is a "Tab Menu" control for Unity 5.
This package features a highly customizable script system for designing and implementing "Tab Menus" in Unity's UI system. The tab menus may be customized in the editor or at runtime via a large and versatile user abstraction scripting base.
Say goodbye forever to the pain of making a hand designed tab menu, simply drag and drop the control, put some text on some buttons, set the padding and design your tabs, and start adding components to the tabs.
Some of the things this package includes:
> An autosizing button script that allows user customized buttons featuring either or both a text and image component that will autosize to the best possible fit for the size the overall tab menu is at.
> Easy access to button events for all tabs for user customized sounds or actions upon mouseover/click/drag/etc.
> Auto hiding of inactive tabs for easy access to the current active tab for easy identification and design.
> Buttons are fully customizable - mix and match fonts/button prefabs/padding/button stretch settings/button sizes/animations/etc.. Or, leave all the buttons the same for a nice clean looking Tab Menu.
> Customizable background images for the Tab Menu root object, the window frames (individually customizable or keep all the same), and the Button Frame background. Go with images or keep them clear - your choice.
> Options to permit user dragging and rearrangement of tabs or to permit or disallow deselection of all tabs where no window will be displayed.
> Stretch the buttons to fit the frame in a nice rectangle, or align them to the center, left, right, top or bottom depending on the orientation of the overall tab menu.
> Includes an interface script for automatic refreshing of any child components of the tab windows which will refresh them in order starting with the closest child to the tab frame and ending with the furthest child down the hierarchy to allow custom resize of window components.
> Disable or allow automatic reevaluation of the Tab Window layout if the root object changes size.
> Customizable alpha settings for button images or frame images. Works with any Unity UI native button prefabs - including animated - as long as a specific included script is attached and the prefab is set up according to specifications.
> Includes 20 page PDF manual with screenshots describing all the settings and all the User Abstraction script methods. User abstraction layer scripts all include summary comments for properties and methods.
Thank you for your interest in this product!