Are you having specific issues with your project when running outside of the Unity Editor? Would you give your right arm to be able to check and change variable values, call functions in specific scripts or see what is going on with the game objects in a scene?Scene Console lets you do that and more! Imagine being able to open a console window within your scene, list scripts and game objects, or find game objects with a particular script attached, then get detailed information on the methods in that script and what properties it has and change those properties on the fly!
* List all scripts in your scene.
* List all GOs in your scene.
* List GOs with a particular script attached.
* See all fields, methods and parameters for a script.
* Read and set values of script variables.
* Find out what parameters a method takes and what value it returns.
* Call methods in scripts directly.
* See debug information directly in the console, including Debug.Log information.
Website: http://10103.co.uk/#scenecon
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