With this pack you get the tools needed to create a dungeon environment. It can be customizable to create your own underground level. You can also mix the pieces with other environment tools.Forbidden Dungeons is compatible with Builtin (by default) URP & HDRP.For URP or HDRP just import the required unitypackage (once the asset is imported) wich can be downloaded from the extended info link.Tutorial and tips for pipeline import HERE[ASSET INFO] [Website] [Support][HIGHLIGHTS]Over 270 prefabs with many builder assetsModular prefabs for easy custom level designBig rooms, mid sized rooms and corridorsDecoration elements library includedWorks for FPS, Third person or even Top Down games.LODs for better performanceParticle FXs includedHigh quality 2k pbr materials libraryIncludes custom shaders for special effects.Includes demoscene where you can test how to play with the prefabs.[DESCRIPTION]With this pack you get the tools needed to create a dungeon environment. It can be customizable to create your own underground level. You can also mix the pieces with other environment tools. Included many lods in heavy models to improve performance. Inside this asset: over 270 prefabs with different blocks to build scenes, decoration props, fxs, shaders, materials, high quality textures, etc.Right now it includes 2 main zones (big room & sewers) wich also includes corridors, extra rooms and 2 different sewer style (small & big). This underground pack is constantly growing with every update including new different zones & assets.>> Check out [ASSET INFO] link above for extended info.>> Check "Technical details" for additional info about using the asset.[ANCIENT WORLDS COLLECTION][ANCIENT CITY RUINS][ANCIENT RUINS LOCATIONS][ANCIENT DESERT TOWN][ANCIENT CAVERNS][FANTASY ASSETS COLLECTION][STRONGHOLD VILLAGE][LOVECRAFTIAN VILLAGE][FORBIDDEN DUNGEONS][FANTASY MONSTERS PACK]Forbidden Dungeons unitypackage is on Built-in by default. Switch to URP or HDRP will require to download an import additional packages. (here)VERSION NOTES:Version 1.3 or above is ready for unity 2021.3 or superior.Using 2019 version will switch to older 1.2 release. Also this version does not have full compatibility with other assets due to GUID conflicts.PREFAB LIST:Build Assets (171)Build Basics (125)BrickStone (8)Bridges (5)Ceiling (15)Columns (16)Floors (7)Gates (9)Stairs (24)Walls (14)Windows (2)Wood Blocks (25)Build Premade (46)Round Room (15)Sewer Room (31)Deco Assets (68)Chains (4)Decoration (15)Fence (23)Grille (15)Luminaria off (5)Misc (6)Effects (17)Particles (9)Water (8)Luminaria (17)Ceiling (2)Floor (12)Misc (1)Wall (2)