Update(2022 June):-New Model was added.Griffin/Models/NewModelsThese are 3D models and animations of Griffin.WebGL DemoPlease be careful as the number of bones is large(222 bones) if your environment is limited about bones number.-Since the animations does not include the scale key, the size of each bone can be changed.-Models folder contains 6 FBX files of griffin model.GriffinModelLowPoly.FBX:Low Poly model of griffin.GriffinModelMiddlePoly.FBX:Middle Poly model of griffin.GriffinModelTwoLODs.FBX:It contains both Low and Middle Poly mesh of griffin.GriffinModelLowPolyOneSided.FBX:Low Poly model of griffin with one sided feather.GriffinModelMiddlePolyOneSided.FBX:Middle Poly model of griffin with one sided feather.GriffinModelTwoLODsOneSided.FBX:It contains both Low and Middle Poly mesh of griffin with one sided feather.One sided feather model are prepared for those who want to use double sided shaders. However, I have not created a prefab and double sided shader is not included this package. Bone count:222mesh sizeLow poly: 6456trisMiddle poly: 26728trisz axis is the forward direction of root node of these models.-Textures folder contains textures.texture sizeGriffin:4096x4096(albedo, normal, height) , 1024x1024(specular)Feather:2048x2048(albedo), 4096x4096(normal, height), 1024x1024(specular)97 animations are contained.The name of the animations are listed on the screen shots.-Demo/Scenes folder contains demo scene.-Prefabs folder contains prefabs that is used the demo scene.for more information