JazzCreate Pixel Multi Purpose UI
Create multi colored UI images/icons/sprites from stacking the white/transparent UI icons from the 256 icons included on the 1 2048px x 2048px sprite sheet, which is sliced into 128px x 128px.
Included numbers and alphabet, Icons, common game words e.g PLAY, EXIT, you
can make on-screen joystick for mobile platforms, and so many more possibilities...
Pack Includes
demo scene with prefabs of Images and sprites created with this asset and a simple shooter game to demonstrate sprites and UI Image heart health bar etc.
Scripts Included
Multi-Purpose Pixel Style UI(Images) or Sprites
- 256 x UI/Sprites(scale 128x128px each)
from one 2048x2048px
- JazzCreatePixelArt Font(lite) .ttf
- simple space invaders type game as demo
- Animations
- Prefabs
- Scripts
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