Hybrid Game Sounds
4251 files included – Hybrid Game Sounds is a state-of-the-art modern sound collection that offers a full range of sonic dynamics to those at the forefront of sound design and game audio. Hybrid Game Sounds conveys a studio brewed cutting-edge audio asset collection with more than 4400 sound files: over 2000 source and organic audio assets, over 2200 synthetics, and designer sounds, plus 20 high fidelity music loops.
Forge your next audio experience from the alloys of Hybrid Game Sounds, the latest, greatest and most advanced crossbred collection from Epic Stock Media. Hybrid Game conveys a studio brewed cutting-edge audio asset collection with more than 4200 sound files: over 2000 source and organic audio assets, over 2200 synthetics, and designer sounds, plus 20 high fidelity music loops as a bonus to help you add a finishing touch to your project.
Hybrid Game Sounds has been produced and curated specifically for game producers and sound designers, no doubt about that… at the same time, this molten mix of audio alloys is a certain source of inspiration and excitement in any audio for video and motion graphics production and anywhere action, movement and gameplay are setting the scene. This massive conglomerate of multifarious sound delivers dark overtones and shimmering stars scintillating sweeps and sci-fi tech, gameplay groupings for specials, locks and unlocks, achievements, objectives and even weapon textures. Check out the demos to get some inspiration for your own custom audio creations using Hybrid Game Sounds collection.
This massive conglomerate of multifarious sound delivers dark overtones and shimmering stars, scintillating sweeps and sci-fi tech, game play groupings for specials, locks and unlocks, achievements, objectives and even weapon textures. Check out the demos to get some inspiration for your own custom audio creations using Epic Sounds and Effects Hybrid Game Sounds collection.
Product Specs:
All files in 44.1k/16bit
2-3 Hours of Game Audio
2,200+ Designed files
2,000+ Edited Source files
Elite Game Sound Library
Potent Concoction of Cogent Sound FX
Full Scale Ranged Sonic Dynamics for AAA Games
Perfect Library for Sound Designers and Game Developers
Useful Source and Designed files
Saves Blood, Sweat and Tears or Time and Money
Delivers Unbeatable, Curated, Assortments of Value
Includes Glitch Items, Massive Robotic Trills,
Particle Charged Touches, Scripted Uppers
Hydro Chirps, Energy Gases, Creative Essentials
Alien Orbs, Twisted Blings, Hollow Piped Sub-tronics
Mech Hydraulics, Automated Synth Groans,
Dirty Positive Arcade, Metal Game Solid Misc
Epic Ammo Pick Ups, Sci-fi Weaponry
Ranged Appears, Window Pop Ups, Transitions
Black Hole Specials, Frozen Neutral Strikes,
Wet Juicy Synth Fart Touches, and Pressurized Content
Blimp Treasures, Cyborg Gadgets, Warps
Futuristic Tech, Bots and Droids
Quest, Objective, and Mission Notifications
Themed UI, Taps, Buttons, Slides
Digital Blips, Manipulated Fluids, Reinforced Impressions
Set Traps, Aquire Equipment, Game Magnets
Unique Dark Themed Coins, Suctions, Cells, Hits
Ghostly Movements, Spirit Flutters, Horror Items
Deep Underscore Bass Touches, Power Ups
Fat Boy Tab Selects, Star Shots, Robust Grabs
Unlock Levels, Locks, Alien Boosters, Siphons
Bubbling Arcade Tones and Malfunction 8-Bit
Essences Flows, Frenzy Collects, Twitches
Mendal-ed Cartoonish Items, Intense FX
Leet Buffs, Shields, Energetic Blitz Material
Heavy Duty Loaders, Repairs, Refuel
Icy Shimmers, Glistens, Sweeps
All sound files are 44.1/16bit resolution for the most discriminating audiophile listening experience and making this collection instantly ready for console and PC gaming platforms making this collection easier than ever to blend and infuse into your epic production.