Fantasy-Themed 25 Card Pack by Typhen
Carlos Lemos Miquel
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Hand painted cards, with a simple stylized medieval design.
These can be used as a base for a card game as well as a means to introduce characters, items, quests or locations to your game.The names of some of the 3D models and textures have changed.The design is very simple and clear, without any big ornaments or complex pieces. This way, the cards can be reduced in size and still be easy to recognize the card type, and the card designs don´t draw excessive attention from the text and the illustrations.This pack also includes two photoshop files (psd) that will allow you to select new combinations of different card parts (so you can make a card with a silver inner part and a golden border, for instance) and easily modify the card designs.Also includes large scroll, title scrolls and flag designs that can be used to complement the information in the cards.18 3D Models: 3 Regular 3D Models of the cards: 800-1600 triangles.2 Plane versions of the cards: 2 (single-sided) or 4 (double sided) triangles.1 Round Cube card: 132 Triangles.3 Subdivided versions of the cards: meant for animation/deformation. 7k - 8k Triangles.4 Flag models: 1.2k - 1.5k triangles, and planar versions.5 miscelaneous models: planes for scrolls, text, illustrations.No LODs are setup, but you can use the planar versions of the cards as LODs.All models have simple standard materials setup (albedo and 0.4 Roughness, Cutout transparency when needed).32 Textures: The project has 32 sample textures, but many more can be crafted using the PSD files. Card textures use a 2048x2048px resolution. The large scroll uses a 1024x1024px resolution.The small scrolls use a 2048x512px resolution.Flags use 2048x1024 and 1024x1024px resolutions.32 Sprites:Card Sprites use a 750x1050 Resolution, and all sprites resolution is adjusted accordingly.PSD files: Includes Source PSD files that can be used to craft new card combinations, modify colors, combine backgrounds, etc...Each card is 1500 pixels wide and 2100 pixels tall, so you can rescale and modify them without having to lose any detail.