Tyrannosaurus Rex (T-Rex), king of the dinosaurs. Put this gem into the wilderness and start fearing your players.
What's in this package?
- Single .fbx (Mecanim) with all the animations
- Original model: 11.5k tris.
- 3 LOD meshes: 10.5k, 7.8k and 4k tris.
- 17 core animations. Animation controller with some pre-made transitions (see video)
- Prefab ready. Just put the asset in the scene and start working immediately.
- Test scene with the prefab on screen (scene of the video) + skybox. **The scene is the same one as you can see in the video. Just hit play, and done.
- 2k maps: albedo, normal, detail normal, AO, spec and gloss (spec alpha).
- Documentation.
Have a happy dinosaur party!