Many games can benefit from random number generation - picking items from loot tables, deciding whether an attack hits or misses, rolling virtual dice, scattering objects across a landscape, or generating names for new characters.
All this is possible with Unity's Random class - but taking that and making it produce the exact output you need for your game can be awkward, time-consuming, and error-prone. The Randomness library wraps these common cases for you to save you much time and effort.
Features include:
* Many convenience functions such as picking from a range, choosing from a collection, dice rolls and coin flips
* Various geometry functions (random point on circle circumference, random point in a triangle, scattered positions within an area, etc)
* 'Fairer' random functions to reduce failure streaks, to spread items more evenly across a landscape, etc.
* Weighted selection for loot or encounter tables with differing rarities
* Random name generator that transforms any set of existing names into many, many more