2.5 D / 3D Platformer Bouncing Glow... all prefabs / Meshes in this package are 3D
This package is optimized for mobile, PC or consoles. Texture atlases are provided to minimize draw calls.
Video Tutorial
PDF tutorial
Bouncing Glow is a platformer template with Bounce mechanic. All art prefabs, lighting and VFX are provided in this package. All scripts using c# , scripts are commented to help you navigate and understand what is happening. If you will stuck at any point, please refer to video tutorial or PDF.
Bouncing Glow was designed to be very easy to use and to create challenging levels. Everything can be edited: animation speed, platform prefabs. Basically you can create your levels with drag and drop workflow.
With Bouncing Glow template you can use existing art meshes/prefabs OR you can create your own with prefabs provided in this package.
In this package you can find variety of prefabs:
- Floors
- Bushes
- trees
- enemies
- and many more....
Package does not contain:
- UI