Introducing v2.0 - A Complete Package Rewrite
A simple but powerful inventory, looting, merchant, and equipment system. It's easy to get started with and does everything you need whether you're making an RPG with thousands of items, or an FPS with just a few.
Why C5?
Good question, as with all my packages I've kept the inventory manager simple and bare-bones. I'm a strong believer in the do-one-thing-and-do-it-well philosophy, and as such you'll find a very capable inventory system, without all the unnecessary bells and whistles that drive up the price of other such systems.
• Many base item types such as weapons, clothing, and useables, each with separate behaviour
• Easily add as many more as you want by creating inherited objects
• Powerful GUI scripts that work around you to help make your inventory screens original and beautiful
• Fully integrated equipping of objects and changing characters’ appearances accordingly
• Items are stored as prefabs for easy saving/loading plus streaming from AssetBundles
• Add loot and merchants to your game with a single script
• Item statistics such as damage, range, attribute bonuses and so on, easily extend with your own statistics
• Add a weight and/or capacity limit to your inventory, or keep it infinite
• Built in money/credits/gold
• Easily implementable crafting tables for creating or upgrading items
• Full well documented source code