********* Big Update !!! *********
Watch CCU2.0 in action.
This package requires the free asset UMA2.0.
With CCU2.0, you get the most powerful, fastest and simplest tool to keep the full power of UMA2.0 without having to write a single line of code.
Update 1.1:
- Use buttons and/or Sliders.
- Save data when gender change
- Camera correction
- Random NPC impoved
Create a "Customization Scene" just by dropping your UI onto a prefab.Tutorial Part01
Adding new content in one second: you add new content just by one drag'n drop. The new item will be automatically set up and fully integrated to your Interface.
Watch Tutorial 01b.
Use the created character as an NPC or Player. You just need to drop one prefab to manage the character loading process. From premade to totally random character, you keep full control of the result just by selecting options in the editor.
Watch Tutorial 02.
Two very simple functions can be used for Players and NPC:
SavePlayer(): Only needed if you decide to save a player after the "Customization Scene".
ChangeAvatarItem(): Change item at runtime on the avatar like clothes, hair, tatoos...(ex: useful for inventory)
Watch Tutorial 03.