Mobile Icons for Unity Engine: Numbers, Score, Social, Store/Shop/IAPs/In-app purchases, Game, User input, Tools, Rewards, Video, Achievements, Leaderboards, Media, Common.[ Documentation | Support | Forum | Map of Assets ]Mobile Game Icon Pack for Unity Engine: Numbers, Score, Social, Store/Shop/IAPs/In-app purchases, Game, User input, Tools, Rewards, Video, Achievements, Leaderboards, Media, Common.[ Documentation | Support | Forum | Map of Assets ]👉 Icons are suitable for use in Social Gaming Networks:Apple Game Center,Google Play Games Services.🍏 Package Contains54 Icons (PNG) in 2 resolutions : 64px, 128px;Vector Icon sources (FLA);Demo Scene with GUI Template & Animated Buttons;Bonus: 3 Favicons.The asset is ready to design your own icons using primitives.📚 Docs & SupportI state the work of the asset only with uploaded Unity version or with the version indicated in the latest online docs that contain all instructions for the 1st launch.If you find a bug, or you can't use the asset as you need, please firstget the support before leaving a review on the asset store.I am here to help and to improve my assets for the best.Response time can be up to 5 business days.[ Documentation | Support | Forum | Map of Assets ]