Procedurally Generated Paving.
You can choose from 7 diffrent poses of Paving:
Brick 1 - Longitudinal Bricks.
Brick 2 - Longitudinal Bricks the same like Brick 1, but in vertical arrangement .
Brick 3 - Longitudinal Bricks in oblique arrangement.
Brick 4 - Square Bricks
Brick 5 - Square Bricks the same like Brick 4, but but in vertical arrangement.
Brick 6 - Specially shaped Bricks
Brick 7 - Specially shaped Bricks the same like Brick 6 but but in vertical arrangement .
You can change parameters like color, damage color, damage sensitiveness etc.
This package includes 10 ready presets, but you can create your own presets, as you want.
What is included in ths asset:
- Paving Procedural PBR Material with presets;
- 3D model of palette (UV Maped);
- 3D model of rounded cube (UV Maped);
- Demo Scene 2: The Shop.
Demo Scene 1: Paving PBR Generator
Demo Scene 2: The Shop
NOTE: Requires Unity 5.2.2f1 or higher.
This Material does not work properly with Unity Terrain Tool. We must wait for Substance Terrain Tool Release for Unity 5+.